Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we sit down with Brian Kwong, Vice President of Delivery and Operations at Better Partners and Salesforce MVP. He’s one of the hosts of the Salesforce WizardCast and a self-described flownatic, so we wanted to recap all the new Flow and Orchestrator features from TrailheaDX.
Join us as we talk about how Brian approaches TrailheaDX and why Flow is the future.
You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Brian Kwong.
Why Flow is the future
Brian wears many different hats in the Salesforce community, from his role as co-leader of the Madison, Wisconsin user group, to his work as a Salesforce MVP, to literally wearing a wizard hat when he walks around at Dreamforce. As a host of the Salesforce Wizardcast, he wants to be sure people know where to find him.
Brian is
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