By: Cyrill Gutsch
This planet is habitable because it is covered in water. The oceans span more than seven-tenths of the earth. They regulate the climate, control the weather, and provide most of the oxygen in the air we breathe. The oceans give us life. In return, we treat them like a garbage can.
Every year, around 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the oceans. If left unchecked, plastic pollution rates will double by 2030. Plastic already falls from the sky, suffocates sea life, and is carried by currents and winds to every nook and cranny of the earth. It’s everywhere, in everything — including us. We are plastic addicts.
No one wakes up in the morning and decides to destroy the oceans. We have all the knowledge, tools, and imagination we need to turn things around and protect our life-giving ecosystem. So how do we connect
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