When a patient is hurt or sick, all they want is to get better. But organizations often place many burdensome steps in the care journey — schedule an appointment, fill out form after form, wait to see a doctor, get a prescription or referral — it’s exhausting, especially when they’re not feeling well.
However, systems like electronic medical records (EMRs) often stand in the way. EMRs were designed to store and protect patient data, yet they don’t always easily connect to other software platforms, leading to a poor patient experience.
People expect a better experience from their healthcare provider — one that parallels what they receive from consumer brands. A healthcare platform can make the experiences you deliver to both patients and prospects better, while also helping your organization save money.
Master Class: Connecting Your EHR and CRM
It’s important to connect new technologies with electronic
Read the full article on Salesforce.org blog.
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