Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to David Giller, CEO of Brainiate. Join us as we chat about project management and how to push back with positivity.
You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with David Giller.
Why admins need project management skills
It takes a lot of energy to keep up with everything going on in the Salesforce ecosystem. What David sees, however, is that learning how to do something isn’t the biggest challenge facing most Salesforce Admins. “The things people are struggling with the most,” he says, “involve all of the interactions that they have with end users and business leaders at the companies they work with.” In other words, admins need help with project management.
As David points out, admins love to solve problems. We want to show off our skills, make changes quickly, and—let’s be
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